
· notat's blog

Create a free account at Borgbase (includes 10GB), which is enough for most peoples everyday data. Email, Documents etc.

# Prequisites:

Vorta is installed A repo has already been created with the associated SSH key.


Get the URL path by pressing the copy/paste

  1. borg init -e repokey-blake2 ssh://
  2. borg create -v --stats ssh://{hostname}-{user}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S} /home/user/Documents

# List

borg list ssh://

# Prune

borg prune -v --progress --list ssh:// --keep-daily=7 --keep-weekly=2 --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=3 --keep-monthly=6

# Mount

mkdir borg-mount
borg mount ssh:// borg-mount
ls -l borg-mount
umount borg-mount

There are various other commands like --exclude which filters what is bascked up.