Running git

· notat's blog

Having a private git server for your own projects is a great solution. I am well aware of Github, Gitea, Gogs and what have you, but there is something zen-like about running your own git server. Prequisites for the below would be knowing the basics about a commandline and SSH.

This is my goto set up for a pivate git server:

  1. Create a private git repo on raspberry pi (even PiZero).
  2. Access via SSH.
  3. Backup via (Borg or Restic).
  4. Visual access via Working Copy (iPad) or cGit (browser).

Cost of running the server is minimal.

  1. The RaspberryPi, costs around 15 USD.
  2. Backup via costs 18 USD a year for 100GB. All my data is encrypted.
  3. Working Copy is a powerful Git client for iOS that clones, edits, commits, pushes & more.

Running Git itself is a breeze. There are plenty of online tutorials of how to set it up. On a daily basis, I only ever need to use 3 commands git add, git commit and git push.

The above works for me, and is definitely not for everyone.

What do you think?